Red Beryl from Wah Wah Mountains, Utah


M & W Minerals

Walter R. Kellogg


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Mineral Specimen #683    Fluorite

Rogerley Mine, Frosterley, Weardale, North Pennines, Co. Durham, England

5.5 x 5.1 x 4.5 cm


Fluorescent LW

This Fluorite specimen is composed of a single large crystal. Like all of the Fluorite from the Rogerley mine, it fluoresces a brilliant blue under longwave This is large for a single crystal from this location. The specimen is in fairly good condition. Although the predominate corner is damage free, there is a small chip missing from one of the edges near it. The other corner has damage. It has been treated with a silcone spray which is the case with the vast majority of specimens from this mine which were imported into the US.

This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Europe | Fluorite | Minerals Priced Between 50 and 99 Dollars