Red Beryl from Wah Wah Mountains, Utah


M & W Minerals

Walter R. Kellogg


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Mineral Specimen #6152    Latiumite

Cava di Campagnano, Campagnano di Roma, Sacrofano Caldera, Rome Prov., Latium, Italy

3.5 x 3.2 x 2.5 cm
1.4 x 1.3 x 1 in


Ex. Steve Pullman, Purchased 1990


There are small, bladed, light beige/tan colored Latiumite crystals throughout the specimen which are best in a small vug. Although the crystals are small, this is really all that is available for this species.

Condition: Good

Flaws: Nothing Appreciable

This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Europe | Phyllosilicates | Rare Minerals | Minerals Priced Between 25 and 49 Dollars